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Types of Donations

Sponsorship of students

Sponsorship is continuous. Regular contribution is preferred, by which the donator pays the general costs of one or various children from least privileged families who are students at Dendê da Serra school as full scholarship students.

This is one of the best forms of collaboration because it is a long-term investment in the child’s future and at the same time it establishes a closer relationship between student and sponsor, mediated by the school.

The value is calculated by the costs of food, transport, pedagogical material and maintenance of human resources for the student´s school life. The contribution can be partial or integral, depending on the donator’s possibilities of regular donation.

Friends of Dendê da Serra

This campaign is for regular supporters who comprehend the importance of financial support for the existence of our educational institution, situated in a special social context of the rural Brazilian northeast, which aims to offer quality education, social integration and to reduce social inequality. You can become a Friend of Dendê da Serra:



Private individuals: 5$, 10$ or 20$ per month *

Legal entities: minimum 20§ per month





*The value of the donation can be higher than the indicated values.
For more information contact: captacaodendedaserra@gmail.

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Every year, we organize an institutional campaign of Collective Financing, a so-called Crowdfunding Campaign. Using a secure and confidential platform, we collect punctual donations in order to reach our fundraising goal ( of the current year.

The incomes are always used for the complementation of the predictable revenues for our budget for the current year. With the donations we try to equilibrate the difference between the expenses, as the school doesn’t have conditions to sustain it by itself. Consequently, it depends on donations made by people who want to contribute to a fraternal and fair education. Don’t miss the next campaign and help us reach our crowdfunding goal for 2021!

By donating, you become part of an initiative which, for more than 20 years, is showing that it’s possible to develop an educational action based on respect and integration within a diverse society.
CNPJ 04.303.813/0001-01


Banco do Brasil: AG 0019-1 / CC 11347-6

Banco Itaú: AG 0291 / CC 34232-7


GLS Bank Bochum | Kontonr. 13 042 010 
BLZ 430 609 67
IBAN DE47 4306 0967 0013 0420 10 
Bitte angeben: Verwendungszweck + Ihre Adresse Projektnummer: 4775 - Dendê da Serra
Verantwortlich für unser Spendenkonto sind die Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V. Weinmeisterstr. 16 | 10178 Berlin | Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)30 617026 30
André de Oliveira



Juliene Sena

Tel.: +51 73-99920.6285
WhatsApp: +51 73-99920.9295

'Nota Premiada' campaign

The Associação Pedagógica Dendê da Serra now is able to receive resources from the so-called Nota Premiada campaign - hat famous question we are asked when shopping: “CPF on the receipt?” In order to participate, you need to inscribe your CPF on the website of the campaign of the Secretaria da Fazenda ( and indicate the Associação Pedagógica Dendê da Serra as institution in the social area.

For each payment receipt emitted by a CPF which was registered with the indication of our social project, we receive one point, independent of the value. At the end of the month, the institutions with the highest number of points receive a part of the prize. The ones which couldn’t reach a high number of points, continue adding points until they manage to reach the necessary amount of points. The more people inscribe their CPF associated to our institution, the higher is our chance to receive a prize!

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